June 3rd 2020
No matter how you love casual outfits, there are times when only suits will do , events like your wedding, a job interview, a trial, even business formal occasions. Most people have lots of suits in their wardrobe but nothing they could actually wear more than once in a long while. This is because the suits are only wearable for special events. However, if you are a person who uses suits all the time, you should own at least five suits to help you rotate each outfit; so you do not wear anyone out. These suits should be picked out carefully as they should not only be essentials, they should also be stylish
Five Suits Every Man Should Own Include : 1. Navy single breasted suit :A navy suit is not only stylish, it is versatile and it is fast becoming the new black as a lot of people are moving away from black suits because they are everywhere. Very suitable and reliable for formal occasions, nothing makes you look better than a properly worn navy suit. You can wear a simple two button navy suit of good quality, to an interview, a wedding, or as a work outfit. When making a navy suit, look for a middleweight fabric that can be worn all year round. If you intend to own a navy suit, you should probably opt for two, one a shade darker or lighter than the other; for easy rotation.
2. Grey single breasted suit :Grey suits are usually the go to for several men. It is even better when such grey is in a darker shade, as light shades might be a bit too summery for colder months. Dark grey suits can be worn all year round and they have the advantage of being a bit easier to dress down, unlike the navy suits which have the tendency of being a bit too formal.
Apart from being the classic work day suit, grey suits are smart and distinguished and are still worth owning whether or not you work in an office. They do not only make for good casual wears, they can even be worn to a funeral. If you intend to buy a grey suit, it is best to go for one single-breasted and another double-breasted, so you can always rotate them.
3. Dark double breasted suits :Although double breasted suits are not considered essentials, if you are a stylish man, then there are times when you will need them; to drop a hint of swagger. Dark double breasted suits, when worn have a way of making powerful statements and letting you own the room by distinguishing you from all the other office workers. It also showcases you as someone with style and charisma. Double-breasted suits are best gotten in shades of dark grey, midnight blue or black; you can go for any of these shades.
4. Dinner suit :If you are someone who gets invitations to black tie event at least once a year, then you should own a dinner suit. This option is better than hiring one as you will not only be more comfortable, you will also get a better fit. It is always best to go for high-end quality suits which will last a long time so you get to save on the long run. Dinner suits never go out of style, although they are only used for special events, they are still worth owning.
5. The summer suit :Pulling off a suit in the summer takes a lot of careful planning as you would have to go for fabrics that are light and would not make you sweat too much. Being able to do any of this requires a practical understanding of fabrics and how they can be used. Therefore, while choosing a summer suit, go for something half-lined or made out of light weight cotton in colors like blue, beige or light grey. Going for lightweight materials ensure that you will feel comfortable wearing a suit in the summer like you would have felt if you were in your polo and shorts.
Finally, it is not enough to just own a suit. Do your best to take care of it and maintain it. This could take a few years off your suits and make them last even longer.