February 18th 2020
When preparing for an interview, you should also give a thought to how you are going to appear. A good interview outfit does not only boost your confidence level, it also makes you feel more secure, because you know you look good on the outside. Dressing appropriately shows respect for yourself, the interviewer and the company. Your outfit is basically the icing on the cake. How you are dressed is usually the first thing an interview notices. Even before you get to say anything, the interviewer creates an impression from what you are wearing; and as they say, 'first impression matters a lot', so, you should be careful while picking out your outfit.
Tips On Dressing For Interviews :
Here are a few pointers to guide you in the right direction:
Dress appropriately for the role you are applying :
This is the first step you should take in order to successfully dress well to an interview. Find out everything you can about the role you applied for and dress accordingly. Often, this implies wearing a suit. It is rarely ever appropriate to wear a casual outfit to an interview, irrespective of the company’s policy.
Play safe; Wear a suit :
Even if it is not emphasized, it is always best to wear a suit to interviews; especially if you are interviewing for a professional position. The ideal look has always been pairing a dark colored suit with a shirt that has a brighter shade. Co-ordinate your dress shoes and socks. Get a matching jacket, pants, dress shirt and tie. Ensure your suit is comfortable so you do not have to continuously squirm in your chair. Remember, you are required to look and act your best. Avoid ties that are too distracting and flashy. Go for mild colors instead.
Go for clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident :
Never wear outfits that are ill-fitted. Do not wear outfits that are too revealing, to avoid making yourself uncomfortable. Avoid clothes that can easily get wrinkled while you commute. Your outfit should be neat and well ironed. Ensure you check for snags, stains and holes.
Pay attention to details :
Look your best. Trim and shave your beards, floss, brush and endeavor to have a conservative hair cut. Trim your nails too. The little things do count.
Wear deodorant :
A mild one. Avoid using a cologne so as not to cause an allergic reaction. You need to be remembered for your skills and what you can offer to the company; not your scent.
Less is more :
Always keep it simple when going for an interview. Do not wear colors that are too distracting and avoid patterns that are outrageous. Avoid unnecessary accessories too, it is better to be remembered for the things you said during an interview, than for what you wore. So, keep the fashion to a minimum, wear only necessary accessories, like cufflinks, wrist-watch and so on to avoid unnecessary attention.
Have a dress rehearsal :
Try on the interview clothes before the day of the interview, to reduce the possibility of a wardrobe malfunction.
Other determining factors include :
Your outfit depends largely on the kind of office-based environment you have applied to, so do your homework. For a professional environment, it is established that you should wear a dark suit, light shirt and mild tie.
For a business formal interview, you can go for a ? suit that is less stagnant and boring. Add a touch of urban sophistication to your outfit while retaining the professionalism. You can go for a grey suit, with a colorful button down and sweater underneath; or try colors that are modest, like pairing up a light blue patterned tie on a striped shirt.
When interviewing at a business casual company, you can go for khaki pants, a long-sleeved dress shirt, a belt and dress shoes.
Finally, the key is to figure out the dress-policy of the company you are applying and the outfits required for the position you intend to fill. Never forget it is actually a job interview, even if you are not dressed in a suit. Endeavor to do your best to come up with an amazing outfit, so you can increase your chances of actually getting the job.